About Me

My name is Peter and I am an intern at Marginal Boundaries.

I hail from Hungary but moved to the UK about two years ago. I am currently living in London and trying to make it in the big city. I am interested in personal development, goal setting, travelling, IT and design.

It all started with drawing as a child, first on the walls, later on paper. From a young age I was making plans, and had to put them down. How my house will be, how my garden should look like. I enjoyed making personal plans for the future.
But soon it hit me: it is a long journey to reach my goals and requires some effort. It started me on personal development. I wanted to get better at things, to become a better me.

Later in life, as my education took me to other fields, I found new interests. It started with fascination about video games, the way they were made, the creative and the technical processes behind the scenes. I fell in love with IT. I learnt all the dry stuff, from programming to networks but sadly, this was not what I was looking for. It was not as much fun as it seemed to be.

I ended up doing a few more courses before I found multimedia development. It was a much more creative work, every project was different, you had to think in a different way, yet still be technically knowledgeable. I found what I liked doing.

So expect to see a few articles or tutorials pop up about Photoshop, 3D modelling, webdesign or other multimedia related subjects.

The main reason behind this blog though is to share with you some ideas on how to set goals and improve yourself. It will be dedicated to articles and how to guides from me and from other writers who know a lot about self-development.

Feel free to browse around the site, as there are numerous informative posts that will help educate you on how to set goals as well as why they are important tools in personal development.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write an e-mail to me, or leave a comment on any of the posts. I read everything and do my best to answer. Cheers!